After Berisha was declared "non grata" by the State Department, a thesis that is worth commenting has begun to circulate in the media (and not only). I'm talking about the thesis, according to which after Berisha, it's Meta's turn, and that the American attack on these two should not be seen simply as a continuation of that absurd political theater with steps forward to take back, which we've been seeing for 30 years. with Albanian and international actors, but that we are dealing with a very serious plan, well thought out by the Americans, who have decided to finally make Albania a state where everyone is equal before the law. According to this plan, we will continue to declare "non grata" of some important socialists and this is only the first phase, because in the other phases we will see miracles.
That Justice Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data Reform, so reviled recently as a failure, will begin to arrest all the bad guys of this country - where Rama will soon be next - and a new wind will begin in Albanian life under the sign of justice and goodness. The human capacity for hope—according to that saying, "As long as I have spirit, I have hope"—is rapidly spreading this new superplane. Like any illusion or "vital lie", as Ibsen would call it, the dream helps us live, but I think it's not a bad thing to doubt because we can keep one eye closed to dream, but it's better to keep the other open. Otherwise, walking with both eyes closed means daydreaming about ending up in some precipice. So, with an open eye, I see some problems in terms of the reliability of this "American" plan, for the spread of which it is not excluded that some American will also work.
I am only mentioning three problems. Së pari, në përhapjen e këtij plani përmendet edhe fjala e ambasadores amerikane para zgjedhjeve, kur u tha shqiptarëve: “Nëse doni ndryshim, shkoni votoni” dhe pas zgjedhjeve: “Shqipëria po ndryshon”. Sipas opozitës, fraza e parë duhej interpretuar se Amerika po nxiste fitoren e opozitës. Sipas fituesve, kjo u përgënjeshtrua, pasi sipas tyre amerikanët kishin parasysh se vetëm rilindësit mund të sjellin rilindjen në Shqipëri. Sipas shpresëndërtuesve, të dyja palët gaboheshin sepse amerikanët po vepronin sipas asaj që Hegeli e quan “dinakëria e arsyes” d.m.th. kur e arsyeshmja, e mira, e çan rrugën nëpërmjet të paarsyeshmes, së keqes.