How to integrate Telegram on the website realities such as website, e-commerce, company blog and conversations on Telegram . I have identified two formulas. Passive integration: icons and buttons The first opportunity you have to have your public channel discovered on Telegram: add an icon in the footer or sidebar, or perhaps in the header. These are areas of the website that allow the user to immediately discover your presence on this social network.
However, it is a passive solution, not aimed at Email Datadeveloping a conversation aimed at conversion. Including share buttons on posts can also improve the fusion between the website and Telegram. But it will never be complete and definitive. I recommend Wptelegram widget to insert icons and channel feeds in the sidebar but also wpTelegram to automatically post your latest articles or ecommerce products. Active integration: web chat on the site A perfect solution to obtain the best possible result.
You must install an internal chat on the website to allow people to contact support in a simple and immediate way, which solves problems, gives information on prices, and allows you to make up for flaws in the portal. Imagine, you have an e-commerce site and the cart gets stuck. What does the user do? If he has no chance to resolve the situation, he abandons the purchase. If, however, there is an internal chat you can contact the property and then continue.