Ks to Seiketsu and Shitsuke , the improvements proposed by the S method are implemented and exercised in the long term. Supervision accompanied by support for the collaborator guarantees that the company will have successful results over time. This becomes the path to a profound cultural change in the company. ADVERTISEMENT In conclusion Implementing the S methodology is an important step for the reorganization of your company. These foundations were essential for one of the world's most important nations at a decisive moment in its history, and they could also be the turning point in your business .
Do you have questions about how to make the most of your Chinese Australia Phone Number List equipment's potential? Then we present our Ventarketing guide, which will help you integrate the objectives of Marketing and Sales. Leave your email and receive it for free! ShareContent plan: how to prepare it and why it is important in a Content Marketing strategy A content plan is the set of information that is recorded and documented to guide the actions of a Content Marketing strategy, defining which ones will be published, their objectives and respective launch dates. Gabriela Benfica May , | min read content plan Regardless of the segment to which your business is dedicated, if you want to work with Content Marketing, it is essential to have a content plan. Content Marketing can be used to achieve different objectives in each channel that makes up
the strategy, and for that it is necessary to recognize what result you want to achieve. When we do not have a content plan, it is possible that we improvise or make assumptions that only time will show how accurate they were or were not. Having a content plan can help us reduce the margin of error so that, in this way, we achieve the objective we intend with our Content Marketing strategy . If you want to apply it to your company and understand why you need a content plan, how to implement it and the risks you can run by not having one, join me for the next few minutes to understand it better and start creating unforgettable materials for your potential clients. ADVERTISEMENT