Although, I do not devalue the actions they carry out because at the end of the day it is a form of ethical responsibility.Login to respond Ana Paula Do you think we are really facing the consolidation of a new social business model? I believe that the transformation is already happening, even if it is unconsciously, in companies...Do you think big data will favor the consolidation of new business monopolies? Big data has already proven that it is a very powerful tool. As always, if used correctly it will help us, but I think it can also be useful for people with bad intentions, right.
Are we talking about scientific advances to which only Denmark WhatsApp Number Data a few will have access and where commercial logic will prevail? For now that is happening...Is corporate responsibility bottomless rhetoric to improve the image in front of the consumer or are we really talking about companies that seek to contribute to a better society? I believe that everything that is false does not last in the long run. People really realize which companies take the issue of corporate social responsibility seriously... Managers have already realized that by genuinely contributing to society they will consequently improve their image.

Login to respond Alberto Martinez Hello, answering the questions in the excellent article by Maria Mercedes , I give you my humble opinion on the matter. Do you think we are really facing the consolidation of a new social business model? Perhaps we are not in the "consolidation", but in the beginning of a different way of business models, it would take some time for the new generations of governments and businessmen to consolidate a better model that really generates social well-being globally, but I think that It is at the beginning. the consolidation of new business monopolies? Definitely yes.