Chartstables The last type, which usually appears less. Generally, the chart or table appears when a comparison is made, mainly of prices. But it can appear in other situations, such as movie times and even some recipes. Benefits: Why have a Snippet? You're probably wondering: should I worry about having a Snippet or focus my efforts on being in first place? The answer I can give you is: both! Focus on reaching the top while optimizing your posts to get Snippets (I'll show you how it worked for us here at Rock Content later). Next we are going to see the main benefits of having a Featured Snippets.
Highest One of the main positive factors of achieving Featured Snippets is HT Lists the credibility that your website will gain. In the end, Google considered you as the best answer to the question asked by the user in the search. He put you on top of the first position! It's as if Google said to whoever did the search: “that's the best answerdefinition! “Those guys know what they’re talking about.” Jump in the SERPs You can be in ninth place and at the same time have your post above first place.

Featured Snippets may be the simplest and fastest way to climb the Google results pages. Great organic traffic opportunities. Google answer boxes can be a huge opportunity for you to expand your organic traffic, especially if you are not in the top of Google. After all, by appearing at the top of the page, Snippets have great click opportunities. Compete with giant websites Do you know those keywords whose content you optimized, for which you made a complete content and got a lot of clicks, but you didn't leave the place? Those SERPs that only have giant pages in front of you like: Wikipedia, Techtudo, Globo, Conta Azul, etc. Well, Snippets can be your great opportunity to be on top of them all.