Those of us who sell on WhatsApp can count at least three occasions in which a client has left us speechless or, on the contrary, we are so saturated that they are the ones who do not receive any response from us - lost sale . Irritated clients, situations that we don't know how to address, doubts that are repeated over and over. and over again; We have to deal with it daily and if this is also your case, you need to stop writing and get your WhatsApp chat templates . That's why we have brought you 10 templates for WhatsApp that you can take as an example or serve as inspiration for when you decide to create your own.
Let us begin! 10 WhatsApp chat templates that will help you respond optimally to your customers We have written the following templates with a general communication tone, if you want to take them as an example, the correct thing to do CU Leads would be to adapt it to your business, so that your clients do not notice any type of change. Remember, insoles should look natural. Template for customer upset by service failure Some customers will be despotic or rude when making a complaint about a failure in your service. To those, answer them Dear customer, we understand your annoyance at the errors committed.

We at name of business offer you our most sincere apologies. We will shortly contact our corresponding department team to resolve your problem. Dear customer, the situation you raise is already being attended to by our company. We assure that our desire is to maintain the best possible relationship with our clients. Rude Customer WhatsApp Template Consider that not all complaints will be valid, some will just be haters of your product or service and there will be nothing to do with their comments. You will tell them Dear customer, we regret your displeasure with the situation raised with name of business.